Homeowners insurance

Electrical fires aren’t a pleasant topic to think about. However, if you don’t give this possible tragedy even a little bit of thought, your home in Broomfield, CO can be in danger. Approximately 51 thousand home electrical fires occur each year in the United States. According to Aspen Gold Insurance Brokers and other home safety experts, these fires are largely preventable. Here’s how you can avoid losing your home or your loved ones to an electrical house fire.

1. Practice Outlet And Cable Safety To Prevent an Electrical Fire

Are all of the electrical outlets in your home tight and sealed?

If you have small kids in the home, are the outlets properly capped?

If not, these are essential safety precautions. Not only are unsafe outlets a fire hazard, but they can also cause fatal electrical shocks, especially if covered in water.

When plugging in appliances, remember the following safety tips:

  • Always ensure that cables are fully plugged into an outlet.
  • Don’t overload an extension or electrical adapter with too many appliances.
  • Don’t use extension cords as a permanent electrical solution.
  • Don’t run electrical cords under rugs or through the floor.

Also, if your cable is frayed or broken, retire that cord immediately.

2. Check Circuit Breakers Regularly To Prevent an Electrical Fire

You should have your circuit breakers and ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI’s) checked on a monthly basis. If you don’t have a GFCI installed in each common area of your home (kitchen, bathroom, or anywhere else where you have large appliances), have them installed as soon as possible.

If you ever have to change a circuit fuse, make sure it’s being replaced by one that fits the circuit properly. Each type of circuit has a fuse of a certain size. Fuses that are too large or too small are certainly a fire hazard.

3. Replace Lighting And Appliances As Needed

It can be a pain to have to replace light bulbs or light switches; after all, they’re supposed to last a long time. However, malfunctioning light fixtures are one of the main causes of electrical fires.

When you change a light bulb, make sure to replace it with one that has the appropriate wattage. If you install a light bulb that has a higher wattage than recommended for a particular fixture, your bulb can overheat and start a fire.

4. Only Hire Licensed Electricians

This should be a given, but not every homeowner takes the following advice to heart: Always hire licensed electricians to fix or maintain your electricity. If you disregard this advice, not only may your home be in danger, but this can also void your home insurance policy from Aspen Gold Insurance Brokers.

If you need to upgrade your home’s electrical capacity, fix an outlet, or fix a ground circuit, call an electrician that’s licensed to work in Colorado.

Does Your Home’s Electricity Satisfy Your Home Insurance Brokers?

Is your home in Colorado safe from all preventable electrical house fires? If you’re not sure, talk to an Aspen Gold Insurance Brokers agent to verify that all home insurance requirements are met. If you’re looking for a new policy or to upgrade your existing one, visit our site for a quote today.